Sunday, January 16, 2011

Can make people have appetite a while

The owner of one stem goods store says to the reporter:"The chafing dish floats a joss-stick is a red bottle to pack of, as long as picking to put into chafing dish at 1:00, the flavor rises everywhere, can make people have appetite a while;The hot pepper Jing can replace a hot pepper, making the gastronome hot must satisfy;The chafing dish is red then don,t put red and hot oil, can let the chafing dish"fire the red fire is red"."
The owner says that these thing quite a few the year ago have, a sell specially goodly till winter.Is basic is all person who sets up shop to wholesale, "a buy a lot".The price that floats a joss-stick is generally more than 30 dollars are 1 catty, but hot pepper Jing then 30 dollars is or so and then can buy 1 rise to pack of a big bottle of.Some small store storekeepers after buying return to pour boiled water and put again some worthless of dry the goods anticipate, basic need not cook system, burn to roll with the wildfire, the originally glistening boiled water gradually becomes hot oil soup, not only joss-stick hot pressing and red get captivating.

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