Sunday, February 13, 2011

In various way in great quantities purchase behind refine ephedrine

Liu progresses by leaps to give examples to say, our country now synthesize amount is most of drug is ice poison, the main raw material is ephedrine, because of our country to the ma-huang grass, and ma-huang alkali...etc. manage a little bit strictly, a lot of illegal members are used a kind of cold medicine of in good health gram(contain ephedrine) of calling now, in various way in great quantities purchase behind refine ephedrine, make ice poison.Even still think that the square tries a smuggle to steal to carry abroad to make ice poison.
It is big to synthesize drug harm
Synthesize a drug into our country however 20 years, a lot of people not understand synthesize a drug, also many people exist viewpoints like"taking to synthesize a drug can,t become addicted, have no harm",etc.
Liu progresses by leaps to point out, the viewpoint like this is gravely mistaken.He explained, synthesizing the drug was to pass various the chemistry method synthesizes, will also produce dependence after generally speaking taking, and produce damage to the brain central nervous system activity, directly injure brain cell, take time to continue more long, the frequency is more high, the dependence is more strong.After arriving certain degree, will go toward a mental illness direction development, the more performance kills illusion and is tracked mental illness symptoms like illusion,etc for seeing thing, if.

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