Wednesday, September 8, 2010


frightened boy with open eyes, small body shivering, lips bright red blood seeping. stood around it a few boys about his grades, you? kicks the rain, the rain hurt the people huddled on the floor, not moving. aerobic said. They had not gone far on the head run into a zero-odd. The boys saw the meter eighty odd few have a solid build, christian louboutin Dayton Zuoniaoshousan.'s went up only odd red hair if nothing had happened. odd one to see behind them collapsed in the rain, grabbed his red hair and roared: too far and said: Only 14 years old and smaller than their full-year-old. odd hold fists, tried hard to live in the hearts of anger, no logical victory, Jing Zhichao rain went. He bent over, staring at the faint rain, eyes filled with love and affection, cautiously picked up the rain, walked quickly toward the medical room.
14 years, came himself and drizzle christian louboutin shoes w academy has a full decade. Gakuen is a welfare school, academy of chairman of the board is a businessman, Mingjiao Yi Xiao, but the specific matters Gakuen by his German wife, Susan manage, and victory was their only child. until four years ago, I have been living a quiet life light rain. drizzle been in poor health, but because christian louboutin sale we care for Susan and, gradually, turn. life seems full of hope, however, String is happy because Susan's sudden death, transient Bengduan. I gave up in the hospital opportunity to return to the academy to serve, because without my protection, rain will killed!
as hh he killed Susan!

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