Monday, September 20, 2010

rubbing his face when the face and hand friction between the skin

rubbing his face when the face and hand friction between the skin, and massage, when hands have been firmly stuck to the face, is the face of the subcutis With the hand in for events. massage the next ten years, the continued hand-wringing, rub, continue to cover their face, P90X then gently massage. repeated three times for a long time do. Of course, if you feel really comfortable in the mood more times, so much the better. so stick, his face is not from the freckles, acne, folliculitis, boils and the like, the original sore point and markings will gradually disappear. we persist in wrinkles is not easy to grow out, and his face would glow, bright, beautiful.
Why is there such a result? which have a relatively deep medical knowledge. Council, the body meridians, six Yang channels to be brought together to the head, the Governor Du also a yang to the head. face the meridians are: Du in the middle of the large intestine p90x workout by hand Yangming around the nose and mouth full Yangming stomach around the nose and mouth to-head, hand and hand through the small intestine sun Shaoyang triple burner through line between the eyes, ears, bladder full sun down from the top of the head to the inner corner of the eye. senses the size and layout, that is, combining p90x dvd set the power of these meridians the result of; facial skin and health degree of gloss, but also on the meridian qi and blood flow is smooth week. rub hands to protect my face, warm the meridians How has the face to enhance their activity.

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