Thursday, October 14, 2010

From the Prague School of Applied Arts after graduation

From the Prague School of Applied Arts after graduation, the first term Thangka illustrator, but he soon had other plans, and in 1936 in Rococo (Rokoko) run his first puppet theater. .1945, the studio with brother Patrick (Trick Brothers Studio) the completion of Thangka began his film career .1946, his first animated film animals and robbers In 1946 he produced his first dual animation. impression. it looks good, but no language. Later we realized that a puppet show should have a specific Moncler plot, which acts like a story.A feature film is drawn from Andersen's fairy tale only living bird .1953, he completed a puppet version of the Czech myth because he believed that to the puppet Early films include ) and A small mistake could lead to naught, annihilated. .film only four dual animation produced, including his 1965 completion of the expression of political discontent in the movie: They do not want to do things hh ancient to modern times, anyone can become a victim, can be Galileo, another time it may be Oppenheimer (the father of the atomic bomb the United States, subject to review after).

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