Wednesday, October 27, 2010

She sad smile

he did not cry. all the way bolted several hundred years, bent to her wishes. she sad smile, suddenly did not know what to say mm but distressed, and never thought of other forever. gentle smile, stubbornly fixed on him, she bowed our heads, just smiled and said: He seated drinking. He smiles, generosity, wedding is a glass after glass. spirits christian louboutin you,ll feel the feeling of sadness thousands, he felt his chest through the heart child to cool. the way back, finally could not resist tears hh , rummaging for a long time, to no avail. no way, he had to bite the car continued driving. finally, the car was forced to stop at a hotel before. He took off his suit and come hang with fingers hooked the back, to continue unrestrained to move forward. left turn right, how can also lose control of the feet. barely crooked to take a few steps, only to find the person dizzy, spinning.

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